
For the human environment to maintain and function properly, planting more green plants is absolutely crucial. Additional, green plants are also known to improve the quality of air, make us feel relaxed and positive and more. These are a few importance of green plants one should know about.

  1. Produce More Oxygen –The North Carolina State University researchers have proven that the amount of oxygen produced by a single green plant is enough for 4 people to survive. You can imagine once we start planting more number of green plants.
  2. Green Plants are Known to be a Good Source of Food – Certain micro-organisms, animals and insects rely heavily on green plants as their only source of food. In turn, this leads to maintaining environmental balance. For instance; grass is eaten by a rabbit, then that rabbit is eaten by a fox and then a larger animal eats the fox.
  3. Capable of the Process of Photosynthesis – The process of converting light energy into chemical energy is called as photosynthesis. This process is seen in green plants where they exhale oxygen by inhaling carbon dioxide.
  4. Offer More Protection –For many plants and animals, green plants and trees offer a sense of protection. For instance; a small plant receives protection during the time of growth from a larger plant. The same plant after its growth offers a sense of protection to birds while building their own nest.

These are the basic importance of green plants. You may want to consider doing outdoor plant hire to learn more on the importance of green plants.