A truffle is actually the outer fruiting body of extremely tiny subterranean ascomycete fungi, mainly one of the species of the genus Tuber. Some other fungi of this genus are also classified as truffles but Tuber is the most common. It is often called simply "truffle" because its fruiting bodies are usually shaped like a small mushroom. Most people think that it is a white powdery substance, but it is actually brown or gray-black in color.

Truffles are produced in many parts of the world where the climate is suboptimal for growing any other plants or fungi. The high temperatures and relative humidity cause a fungal condition that produces these succulent goodies. However, the intense flavors of black truffle salt contribute significantly to its appeal. The intense, unsullied aroma is much like the smell of fresh bread or the smell of charcoal smoked with wood smoke. In fact, this very same aroma is what makes this salt so addictive, it has a unique aroma that cannot be duplicated by any other fungi.

The black color of truffle salt makes it the ideal gift for many occasions. People can give truffle salt as a present on their birthdays, to celebrate a new baby's arrival, on their wedding anniversary, to congratulate an accomplishment with friends or family, or simply as a token of one's love. It has a special charm that people find difficult to describe, which is why the salt has been used for so long and enjoyed so much.

Traditionally, truffle salt was used as a food seasoning, but today it has many uses outside of food preparation. One of its best-known uses is in the form of fine kitchen salt. Home cooks love to use truffle salt in cooking because of its pungent, almost flowery flavor. It adds an unusual hint of flavor to eggs and is also excellent on meat and fish. Salt is usually sprinkled on food before the ingredients are placed in the pan in order to help them stick together better, preventing them from breaking apart easily.

In fact, if you're looking for a great way to add a hint of truffle salt to your next meal, consider sprinkling a bit on some lightly beaten eggs before serving. Popcorn is another favorite snack food that can benefit from a dusting of truffle salt. Sea salt is another favorite food that can benefit from a sprinkle or two. You can find truffle salt that's specially formulated for sprinkling on grilled or baked popcorn. For example, if you enjoy a good barbeque flavor in your cooking, try sprinkling black pepper over your popcorn for an additional kick.

Truffle salt isn't just for salty snacks. While the name may give some the impression that it's a substitute for real chocolate, it's not necessarily bad for your health. In fact, many experts advise against substituting other types of seasoning with this one as some of them contain large amounts of purines. Those who have high blood pressure or heart problems should especially stay away from black truffle salt due to its high blood pressure and heart conditions causing potential damage.

Although the exact source and recipe for truffle salt are unclear, the dish was likely invented by accident. It may be derived from a tree native to France or Italy called the Sardinia Cambogia, which is native to the Mediterranean. As with many natural ingredients, the exact amount of this nutrient that you'll get from any given type of truffle salt may vary depending on where the tree is grown, how it's harvested, the harvesting process, and other factors. You can find this type of salt in many health food stores and even specialty shops.

As with all sea salts, the best thing to do when using them on your table is to avoid allowing them to come into contact with foods that could potentially cause a reaction. For example, it's perfectly fine to sprinkle it on top of your favorite baked potatoes or oatmeal, but you should steer clear of using it to season steamed foods like omelets, chicken, or turkey. You should also refrain from using black truffle salt on crackers or on raw vegetables like artichokes, mushrooms, or cucumbers. This is because of the possibility of contamination due to the high amounts of purines it contains. The temptation to dip these items in it is almost impossible, but try to resist the urge. By making sure you keep your dining area clear of sea salt and other artificial sea salts, you can limit your exposure to artificial additives that can negatively affect your health.