With the advancement of technology, a variety of sophisticated equipment was developed to handle the management of dairy products.

Due to irregular feed and lack of maintenance, you must suffer losses in your business. There are several problems that arise because of being overweight or lacking in cow weight. Mastitis in cattle is one of the main problems. 

What is Mastitis?

Mastitis is a type of infection in the cow's milk glands. In the milk tissue that secretes cattle, this occurs in contact with bacteria and this causes inflammation of the mammary glands.

These bacteria can spread through a number of ways such as unhygienic conditions in milk, due to contact with milk machines or because of other harmful bacteria in the diary.

Mastitis side effects

  • Permanent failure of mammary glands due to severe bacterial infection.
  • Lack of milk production or you must dispose of milk because it is not suitable to drink.
  • Expenditures for animal care and medicine.

To avoid such losses, you must pay attention to the health and hygiene of cows in your diary.

There are great findings in terms of body condition scores to maintain the health of cows. This score helps in increasing cow productivity and also helps in their longevity. For more information about body conditioning score browse to https://www.lic.co.nz/products-and-services/automation/protrack-bo

body conditioning score

There are several facts that you should know about assessing body conditions:

  1. You have to score your cow regularly and also pay attention to their feed. This will give you great help in managing the health of your cow.
  2. You must record the weight of your cow and then see it every day. This will help you to observe weight loss effectively.
  3. You have to look at cow scores. You must take action immediately if you observe changes in the health condition of a cow.