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Tag: finger sucking prevention

Encourage Your Child to Stop Thumb Sucking Around Age 3

One of the biggest concerns we hear from parents is their child's thumb-sucking habit. Our advice: If you are under 4 years old, don't worry. However, as you get older, you need to start thinking about the possible effects of the bite. Thumb-sucking is a universal habit among infants and young children and is related to how they swallow when breastfeeding.

When they swallow, their tongue is pushed forward to create a seal with their lips around the breast or bottle nipple. Many pediatricians believe that thumb sucking repeats the breastfeeding process and thus has a calming effect on the baby. To get rid of this habit, you can buy tguard thumb via

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However, around the age of 4, this type of ingestion begins to turn into solid food. The tongue begins to rest behind your upper front teeth as you swallow. For most children, this is also a time when the thumb sucking habit diminishes and eventually stops.

But for some reason some kids don't quit. As the habit continues, the tongue continues to move forward, not toward the front teeth over the back. This can put unnecessary pressure on the upper and lower front teeth over time and contribute to the development of an open bite, the small gap between the upper and lower teeth when the jaw is closed.

Although thumb sucking is not the only cause of an open bite in late childhood (abnormal growth of the jawbone is another cause), habit is still an important factor. For this reason, it is important to encourage your child to stop thumb sucking by age 3 and no later than 4 years.

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How Thumb Sucking Can Affect Permanent Teeth

Sucking the thumb is a completely natural activity for children. However, if the habit was to follow them into infancy or early childhood, it can affect their oral health. Infants and children often suck their thumbs for reducing stress and anxiety, which is really okay!

However, long thumb sucking is cause for concern, especially when the permanent teeth start to grow. You can visit the Amazon UK website and purchase finger sucking glove via

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Dentists are concerned that there is a possibility that the habit can affect the position of the teeth, creating an overbite. It also can damage the roof of the mouth. However, the level of oral health problems really depends on the intensity and regularity of thumb sucking.

There are cases when the damage to the teeth can be enough to hamper the proper chewing and even cause problems with speech. It is suggested that children stop sucking their thumb between the ages of two and four years, or when the permanent front teeth are ready to erupt.

Want to know how to help your child stop sucking his thumb? Here are some simple and Don'ts:


  • Praise your child for not sucking.
  • Creating little incentive to help compliment. One idea is to offer a gold star for the day they do not thumb sucking.
  • Talk about sucking his thumb in a calm manner, without accusing them of doing something wrong.
  • Explain to them what could happen in their mouths if they continue to thumb sucking.

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