In simple terms, a dual diagnosis can be defined as the coexistence of mental disorders and other problems, such as alcoholism, drug addiction, eating disorders, or physical addiction. Generally, the treatment of drug addiction or program combines rehabilitation program with an effective psychiatric treatment while giving the patient a lot of time to recover.

When people who suffer from depression or other mood disorders, they usually turn to alcohol or drugs and not seek psychiatric help. Without understanding that their condition can be treated and cured, these people rely on stimulants to ease depression and feel better. But after the stimulant effect is reduced, patients are moodier. To attain more knowledge about various drug intervening services you can browse

Thus dual diagnosis aims to treat both problems simultaneously and help patients cope with symptoms associated with both.

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Here is a closer look at how drugs and alcohol aggravate mood swings or depression:

* Drugs: It is not uncommon for people – especially young people – to turn to prescription or recreational drugs to relieve depression and feel better. One of the most popular drugs is cocaine. These drugs affect the brain and induce a feeling of euphoria in users. However, after the effects of the drug run out, users feel more pressured and forced to consume higher quantities of drug. Dual diagnosis will help patients get rid of drug and avoid stress.

* Alcohol: When people feel sad, depressed, or lonely, they consume alcohol to feel better. Alcohol can numb depression and physical pain or pain associated with mental disorders. However, after the effect of alcohol decreases, people get headaches, dehydration, and even nausea. Without proper intervention, these people soon got worse addictions.

When someone is treated in a dual diagnosis treatment center, normally he would receive a powerful combination of detox, prescription drugs, and psychotherapy. dual diagnosis will help patients maintain feelings of depression at bay while effectively recovering from addiction.