Who can become a Dental Assistant?

Dental assistant courses are offered by many colleges, universities and other accredited education providers in different countries. These courses have also been periods of different duration of the training. You can browse healthcarecareercollege.edu/programs/dental-assistant/ to know more about the Dental Assistant Courses.

However, the completion of this course is not enough for a person to be called a certified assistant depending on the country the person is located. For someone to become a dental assistant, she should be able to take an assistant course and can pass the exam given by the Dental Assisting National Board (danb).

What Assistants do?

Assistant is one subjected care of patients. They are responsible for communicating with the patient-greet them, ask them about their medical history, making them feel comfortable as dental care provided to them by the dentist.

He handed the instrument to the dentist when medical or dental surgery done. He also helps the dentist to remove the stitches, and applying topical medications at the patient's mouth.

Make dental casts of dental impressions are also part of the dental assistant's job. In addition, the sterilization of dental equipment and instruments and keep them inclusive of duties. He was also answering phone calls and questions and the patient scheduled for a dental appointment. Notes and bills are also saved by a reliable assistant.