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Tag: baby powder lawsuits

Talcum And Baby Powder Ovarian Cancer Lawsuits

There is evidence that the baby powder or talcum powder can increase the risk of developing ovarian cancer in women who use it regularly for years. Johnson & Johnson, a multi-billion dollar company, might have known the risk and failed to warn consumers. The victims have now filed talc baby powder ovarian cancer lawsuits.

If you want to file talcum powder lawsuit, then you may hop over to this link.

Several studies have correlated years of regular use of talc in the genital area with the subsequent development of ovarian cancer.

The study included thousands of women have concluded that the risk of ovarian cancer is greater for those who frequently use the powder.

The study also found talc particles in cancer tissue of a woman who died of ovarian cancer.

There is evidence that asbestos is not sometimes appear in the product powder and asbestos is a known carcinogen.

Asbestos contamination is likely the reason the powder line with cancer. Asbestos minerals are sometimes found mixed with the powder in the mine, and if the powder is not completely purified, traces may remain in the final product.

Some women have been successful in the filed and won lawsuits against manufacturers of powder, most of Johnson & Johnson.

If you use the powder for years or decades, and you have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer, there may be a connection and some reason to file a lawsuit.

If you lost a loved one to cancer of the ovary and believe the powder may be to blame, the lawsuit could provide compensation for medical expenses and funeral and lost even friendship.

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Facts About Talcum Powder Ovarian Cancer You Probably Don’t Know

Years ago no one would have given even a second that even the powder can cause life-threatening disease and it is a 'cancer'. But with time, purity and sincerity have gone too far from the people. Talcum powder ovarian cancer was first detected in the United States. People all over America-found an association between use of talc-based powder and were pleasantly surprised. You will also be surprised to learn that such powder manufacturing company of old and famous "Johnson & Johnson" is the culprit.

ovarian cancer

Numerous women using this powder without giving a second thought was safe powder and uses it all over their body, especially the joints of the body. No one was aware of this dangerous powder, even the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is safe cosmetic-grade talc. But medical professionals found that the routine use of powder around the genital area frightening increase a woman's chance of developing ovarian cancer.

Within a year, the number of baby powder ovarian cancer reports filed and the number continue to increase every year after that. Many women who have developed ovarian cancer because the powder took the company to court for intentionally causing damage to them:

Some very important facts to consider about the baby powdered talc and ovarian cancer

  • Asbestos was identified as carcinogenic.
  • Talc and asbestos do occur together.
  • Many case-control surveys have proven the link in the middle of talc powder and ovarian cancer.

Many women have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer and with past use baby powder has taken legal action. The jury has recognized the link between talcum powder and ovarian cancer.

Even countless organizations have dispensed ovarian cancer notices regarding baby powder. To put a halt on such kind of activities, it is important that you should be alert while purchasing any goods.

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Why You Should Not Be Using Talcum Powder?

Talc powder is formed mineral consisting of three main elements magnesium, silicon, and oxygen. Talcum powder works very well in absorbing moisture. This helps keep skin dry and even prevents rashes.

Talcum Powder and Ovarian Cancer

Studies have shown that powder increases the chance of ovarian cancer in women. When the powder is applied to the genital area, it is possible that the particles can travel through the uterus and fallopian tubes to the ovaries. This can cause the formation of ovarian cancer powder.

Certain reports have shown that one out of every 75 women in the US is at risk of developing ovarian cancer in his life.

Talcum Powder Lawsuit

There are about thousands of Talcum Powder Ovarian Cancer Lawsuit – Baby Powder Cancer Lawyers  filed against Johnson & Johnson. Lawsuits claim that the manufacturer has failed to notify the user about the risks associated with using the product.

Many users of this product filed lawsuits after developing mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a disease caused by asbestos exposure. Talcum Powder contains a component known as asbestos. Talcum Powder Lawyers helps you seeking compensation for someone who has been diagnosed with ovarian cancer or mesothelioma.

talcum powder lawsuit

Who is eligible for filing talcum powder lawsuit?

If you find that using talc-based products results in ovarian cancer or mesothelioma then you can claim for:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Funeral expenses (in case of death of a loved one)

Cases like this are time-sensitive so make sure you contact a talcum lawyer as soon as possible. You can check this to find out more about baby powder. They will help you find out whether you are eligible for compensation or not.

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