There is evidence that the baby powder or talcum powder can increase the risk of developing ovarian cancer in women who use it regularly for years. Johnson & Johnson, a multi-billion dollar company, might have known the risk and failed to warn consumers. The victims have now filed talc baby powder ovarian cancer lawsuits.

If you want to file talcum powder lawsuit, then you may hop over to this link.

Several studies have correlated years of regular use of talc in the genital area with the subsequent development of ovarian cancer.

The study included thousands of women have concluded that the risk of ovarian cancer is greater for those who frequently use the powder.

The study also found talc particles in cancer tissue of a woman who died of ovarian cancer.

There is evidence that asbestos is not sometimes appear in the product powder and asbestos is a known carcinogen.

Asbestos contamination is likely the reason the powder line with cancer. Asbestos minerals are sometimes found mixed with the powder in the mine, and if the powder is not completely purified, traces may remain in the final product.

Some women have been successful in the filed and won lawsuits against manufacturers of powder, most of Johnson & Johnson.

If you use the powder for years or decades, and you have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer, there may be a connection and some reason to file a lawsuit.

If you lost a loved one to cancer of the ovary and believe the powder may be to blame, the lawsuit could provide compensation for medical expenses and funeral and lost even friendship.