This career requires a two-year associate degree from an accredited school. Many areas also require a license. The accredited school needs to have a program that has been approved by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education, generally known as CAPTE accreditation. The accreditation assures the quality of the courses, as well as the instructors. You can also get the best service of physical therapy in Frederick md via

A student that is enrolled in a program to become a physical therapy assistant will have to study many different courses, such as algebra, anatomy, biology, chemistry, physiology and psychology.

The student has to become certified in CPR or cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and also first aid. Along with these requirements, the student will have to acquire some practical experience in the physical therapy field.

Once the program is completed, the majority of states require that potential therapy assistants successfully complete a test to become licensed in this specific health care profession. The license usually has to be renewed every couple of years.

Employment Opportunities

Jobs for PTA vary and several offer opportunities for advancement. Physical therapy offices, home health care providers, skill nursing facilities, and nursing homes all require the services of physical therapy assistants.

Physical therapist assistants also work for rehabilitation centers, hospitals, and school districts. Many of these positions have regular work day hours, but there are also opportunities to work evenings and weekends. Some assistants get to travel for their jobs, and different types of therapy facilities offer this.

Benefits of Becoming A PTA

PTAs have very high job-satisfaction levels according to several studies. Job security is another benefit of this career because there is a soaring demand in this field. The average median annual salary for this position is over $46,000. Of course, this will vary by area and state. This type of career is very rewarding because PTA get to work with patients one-on-one, watch them make progress, and also be a positive influence their lives.